If there's something we inherited from God is His creativity. Since the creation of man, we have been inventing and innovating devices to improve our ways of life. Being an entrepreneur requires you to think out of the box and come up with something even better. Something that will separate the rice from the chuff. Most successful entrepreneurs have discipline, focus and diligence so that they can accomplish the dreams they have. Not forgetting that they are creative and good leaders.
You don't have to have invented a mind-blowing thing for you to be considered as creative. Creativity is applicable in all spectrums of life. In the event of a crisis, you need to be creative on how to handle it. In the event of budgeting you need to create a schedule that will favor your wallet. Creativity is all around us. As a CEO you need to formulate rules and guidelines that favor everyone and you need a creative mind to do this.
All human beings are creative
Creativity is a special Codding customized to every individual... Its unique to every being...
Frequent exercise n problem solving of our abilities and situations is what stimulates growth.
This growth is in the brain.