Hello, Icons,
In line with this month's theme, PR and Communication, I decided to touch on a very vital aspect of communication which is miscommunication.
Miscommunication has various definitions ranging from failure to communicate adequately and properly to its workplace definition; misinterpretation or misconstrued messages that can potentially lead to internal conflict and/or employee dissatisfaction.
Looking back at history, miscommunication has had disastrous consequences both in small measures e.g work relationships and even personal relationships, and large measures like the dropping of the atomic bombs by the USA on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Go read on this and more. It was an interesting read.)
In order to ensure proper communication, we have to learn how to pass across messages appropriately and on time. We also have to learn which channel is appropriate for which message and for which particular audience.
In case of miscommunication, how do you ensure that you have remedied the situation ?
Also, if u have a prior experience of miscommunication and how it affected you or the people around you, kindly share.
Miscommunication in an institution can lead to very serious problems especially when its "vertical communication" involving superiors and juniors in an organization......
Outside the organization, miscommunication can lead to a firm finding itself in a court of law of even damage a company's image...
On this we got to be very careful.
Great topic Nicole